Sunday, May 31, 2015

13 Proven Health Benefits of Coffee

There are a lot of infographics and lists floating around the internet with some pretty interesting facts about coffee. 99% of them, however, do not have any source to back it up and as you know I won't share anything with you that appeared out of thin air! The wonderful article below comes with references linked to the information it presents. My kind of article :) Grab a cup of joe and enjoy! 

13 Proven Health Benefits of Coffee (No. 1 is My Favorite)

Woman Smiling With a Tiny Cup of Coffee 
Coffee is actually very healthy. It is loaded with antioxidants and beneficial nutrients that can improve your health. The studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases.
Here are the top 13 evidence-based health benefits of coffee, that have been confirmed in actual human studies.

1. Coffee Can Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter

Coffee can help people feel less tired and increase energy levels (1, 2).
This is because it contains a stimulant called caffeine, which is actually the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world (3).
After you drink coffee, the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream. From there, it travels into the brain (4).
In the brain, caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine.
When that happens, the amount of other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine actually increases, leading to enhanced firing of neurons (5, 6).
Many controlled trials in humans show that coffee improves various aspects of brain function. This includes memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels, reaction times and general cognitive function (7, 8, 9).
Bottom Line: Caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which leads to a stimulant effect. This improves energy levels, mood and various aspects of brain function.

2. Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat

Cup of Coffee And Coffee Beans
Did you know that caffeine is found in almost every commercial fat burning supplement?
There’s a good reason for that… caffeine is one of the very few natural substances that have actually been proven to aid fat burning.
Several studies show that caffeine can boost the metabolic rate by 3-11% (10, 11).
Other studies show that caffeine can specifically increase the burning of fat, by as much as 10% in obese individuals and 29% in lean people (12).
However, it is possible that these effects will diminish in long-term coffee drinkers.
Bottom Line: Several studies show that caffeine can increase fat burning in the body and boost the metabolic rate.

3. The Caffeine Can Drastically Improve Physical Performance

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, causing it to send signals to the fat cells to break down body fat (13, 14).
But caffeine also increases Epinephrine (Adrenaline) levels in the blood (15, 16).
This is the “fight or flight” hormone, designed to make our bodies ready for intense physical exertion.
Caffeine makes the fat cells break down body fat, releasing them into the blood as free fatty acids and making them available as fuel (17, 18).
Given these effects, it is not surprising to see that caffeine can improve physical performance by 11-12%, on average (29, 20).
Because of this, it makes sense to have a strong cup of coffee about a half an hour before you head to the gym.
Bottom Line: Caffeine can increase adrenaline levels and release fatty acids from the fat tissues. It also leads to significant improvements in physical performance.

4. There Are Essential Nutrients in Coffee

Coffee is more than just black water. Many of the nutrients in the coffee beans do make it into the final drink.
Happy Middle Aged Couple
A single cup of coffee contains (21):
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.
  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.
  • Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA.
Although this may not seem like a big deal, most people are drinking more than one cup per day. If you drink 3-4, then these amounts quickly add up.
Bottom Line: Coffee contains several important nutrients, including Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Manganese, Potassium, Magnesium and Niacin.

5. Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes

Measure Blood Sugar
Type 2 diabetes is a gigantic health problem, currently afflicting about 300 million people worldwide.
It is characterized by elevated blood sugars in the context of insulin resistance or an inability to secrete insulin.
For some reason, coffee drinkers have a significantly reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The studies show that people who drink the most coffee have a 23-50% lower risk of getting this disease, one study showing a reduction as high as 67% (22, 23, 24, 25, 26).
According to a massive review that looked at data from 18 studies with a total of 457,922 individuals, each daily cup of coffee was associated with a 7% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes (27).
Bottom Line: Several observational studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of getting type II diabetes, a serious disease that currently afflicts about 300 million people worldwide.

6. Coffee May Protect You From Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Smiling Elderly Woman
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease and the leading cause of dementia worldwide.
This disease usually affects people over 65 years of age.
Unfortunately, there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s.
However, there are several things you can do to prevent the disease from showing up in the first place.
This includes the usual suspects like eating healthy and exercising, but drinking coffee may be incredibly effective as well.
Several studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease (28, 29, 30).
Bottom Line: Coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease, which is a leading cause of dementia worldwide.

7. Caffeine May Lower The Risk of Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, right after Alzheimer’s.
It is caused by death of dopamine-generating neurons in the brain.
Same as with Alzheimer’s, there is no known cure, which makes it that much more important to focus on prevention.
Coffee Beans Spread Horizontally, Smaller
In studies, coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, with a reduction in risk ranging from 32-60% (31, 32, 33, 34).
In this case, it appears to be the caffeine itself that is causing the effect. People who drink decaf don’t have a lower risk of Parkinson’s (35, 36).
Bottom Line: Coffee drinkers have up to a 60% lower risk of getting Parkinson’s disease, the second most common neurodegenerative disorder.

8. Coffee Appears to Have Protective Effects on The Liver

Waitress Holding a Cup of Coffee
The liver is an amazing organ that carries out hundreds of important functions in the body.
Several common diseases primarily affect the liver, including hepatitis, fatty liver disease and others.
Many of these diseases can lead to a condition called cirrhosis, in which the liver has been largely replaced by scar tissue.
It turns out that coffee may protect against cirrhosis. People who drink 4 or more cups per day have up to an 80% lower risk (37, 38, 39).
Bottom Line: Coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of developing cirrhosis, which can be caused by several diseases that affect the liver.

9. Coffee Can Fight Depression and Make You Happier

Blue Eyed Woman Drinking Coffee
Depression is a serious mental disorder that causes a significantly reduced quality of life.
It is incredibly common and about 4.1% of people in the U.S. currently meet the criteria for clinical depression.
In a Harvard study published in 2011, women who drank 4 or more cups per day had a 20% lower risk of becoming depressed (40).
Another study with 208,424 individuals found that those who drank 4 or more cups per day were 53% less likely to commit suicide (41).
Bottom Line: Coffee appears to lower the risk of developing depression and may dramatically reduce the risk of suicide.

10. Coffee Drinkers Have a Lower Risk of Some Types of Cancer

Coffee Beans
Cancer is one of the world’s leading causes of death and is characterized by uncontrolled growth of cells in the body.
Coffee appears to be protective against two types of cancer… liver cancer and colorectal cancer.
Liver cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the world, while colorectal cancer ranks fourth (42).
Studies show that coffee drinkers have up to a 40% lower risk of liver cancer (43, 44).
One study of 489,706 individuals found that those who drank 4-5 cups of coffee per day had a 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer (45).
Bottom Line: Liver and colorectal cancer are the 3rd and 4th leading causes of cancer death worldwide. Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of both.

11. Coffee Does Not Cause Heart Disease and May Lower The Risk of Stroke

Female Doctor Drinking Coffee
It is often claimed that caffeine can increase blood pressure.
This is true, but the effect is small (3-4 mm/Hg) and usually goes away if you drink coffee regularly (46, 47).
However, the effect may persist in some people, so keep that in mind if you have elevated blood pressure (48, 49).
That being said, the studies do NOT support the myth that coffee raises the risk of heart disease (50, 51).
In fact, there is some evidence that women who drink coffee have a reduced risk of heart disease (52).
Some studies also show that coffee drinkers have a 20% lower risk of stroke (53, 54).
Bottom Line: Coffee may cause mild increases in blood pressure, which usually diminish over time. Coffee drinkers do not have an increased risk of heart disease, but a slightly lower risk of stroke.

12. Coffee May Help You Live Longer

Coffee Maker
Given that coffee drinkers are less likely to get many diseases, it makes sense that coffee could help you live longer.
There are actually several observational studies showing that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of death.
In two very large studies, drinking coffee was associated with a 20% lower risk of death in men and a 26% lower risk of death in women, over a period of 18-24 years (55).
This effect appears to be particularly strong in type II diabetics. In one study, diabetics who drank coffee had a 30% lower risk of death during a 20 year study period (56).
Bottom Line: Several studies show that coffee drinkers live longer and have a lower risk of premature death.

13. Coffee is The Biggest Source of Antioxidants in The Western Diet

Cup of Coffee
For people who eat a standard Western diet, coffee may actually be the healthiest aspect of the diet.
That’s because coffee contains a massive amount of antioxidants.
In fact, studies show that most people get more antioxidants from coffee than both fruits and vegetables… combined (57, 58, 59).
Coffee is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. Period.
Full article link HERE

Monday, May 25, 2015

Two Favorite Take Home Points After Saturday's TED Talk

1. Daf 2 Mutations
2. Beans

1. It's alwas interesting to me that we publicly put so much money into cancer research when cancer prevention seems just as important. Perhaps this is an emotional attention to the matter as cancer doesn't really affect people until they or a loved one already has it. Then it's time to fight. But before that, prevention isn't as sought after. Can you imagine if we spent millions and billions of dollars on curing the measles when preventing it is clearly the best way to avoid it? What if we could prevent genes from even being inclined to get the diseases of aging, the C word included.
Daf 2 mutations are incredible. I was especially shocked at the study with Ashkenazi Jews. The ones who lived into their 90s and 100s all had daf 2 mutations. This works people! I can't wait to see how this manifests in in-vivo studies.
Just from reading some study abstracts, it appears that Daf 2 may have a metabolic effect similar to slowing down the metabolism which we've also discussed as being a by product of fasting... interesting.

2. Beans are more than just a musical fruit. The are a fat free, high protein, anti-oxidant rich, cleansing fiber loaded, healthy. affordable carbohydrate that you should eat on a regular basis.  Dan Beutener's statistics on them were fascinating. I would bet, that ones the gut has restored health, thanks to the role of beans in it, they are no longer a musical fruit. One thing that Dan didn't mention about beans is that they are packed with  folate. Folate is an essential vitamin for the body, often known for its importance during pregnancy to support a developing fetus. In synthetic vitamin form folate (B9) is folic acid. I could bore you with endless folate facts, but instead I'll leave you with this little nugget: a common and powerful chemotherapy agent called Leucovorin is used to successfully treat many different cancers, including colon cancer. It is technically a chemoprotectant used to increase efficacy of other treatments. What is Leucovorin derived from? You guessed it- folic acid.. Talk about preventative medicine. Kind of makes you want to eat your beans at every meal!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

TED Talk - The Fountain of Youth


The Fountain Of Youth

Aging is inevitable. We can slow it down a little, but could we ever bring it to a grinding halt? In this episode, TED speakers explore how we all might live longer and even better lives.

1. Dan Buettner: What Are The Secrets of Centenarians?

2.  Aubrey de Grey: Can Aging Be Cured? 

4. Harvey Fineberg: How Could Technology Change The Way We Evolve?

5. Isabel Allende: Is Aging Really So Bad?

Listen to the full talk HERE.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Dr. Kempner's Healing Fruit and Rice Diet from Duke

A wonderful book on the subject can be found here. The description is as follows:

“In 1934, a brilliant young scientist, Walter Kempner (1903-1997), was brought as a refugee from Nazi Germany to join the faculty of Duke Hospital s department of medicine. The first AMA presentation, in 1944, of his unconventional research in the origins and treatment of metabolic diseases provoked wide attention and considerable controversy, but the results of his strict diet regimen were undeniable. Patients flocking to Durham for the famous Rice Diet found their diabetes, kidney and cardiovascular diseases once considered fatal cured or greatly improved. The headline-grabbing success of Dr. Kempner's diet contributed significantly over the years to Durham's economic growth and Duke's transformation into a world-famous center for medical research and care. From his arrival at Duke, Kempner worked to help friends get out of Germany. For several who had been scholars in pre-war Germany he found positions here. They and a few others associated with the Rice Diet became a close-knit community in exile around the central figure of Dr. Kempner. One, author Barbara Newborg, worked with him for 40 years, much of that time as his chief medical associate. This first-hand account of Kempner's life and of his work comprises two dramatic interrelated narratives. The story of a charismatic but always controversial personality and his circle of accomplished followers, and their wartime experience as refugees and exiles, will interest general readers, including thousands of ''Ricers.'' For medical professionals and scholars, the book documents historic research that elucidated underlying principles of kidney, diabetic and cardiovascular disorders, and their successful treatment without drugs. The book includes many rare personal photographs (which Kempner suppressed during his life) and clinical images including graphs, x-rays, eye-grounds, and photos.”

I was sure to mention Duke in the title of this post since "Fruit and Rice" diet initially sounds like a quack prescription. Duke was not only shocked by the curative results taken from Dr. Kempner’s research but they went on to run a clinic featuring this “diet” for the next several decades. 

See more about this amazing cure (not band-aid!) here: