Monday, May 25, 2015

Two Favorite Take Home Points After Saturday's TED Talk

1. Daf 2 Mutations
2. Beans

1. It's alwas interesting to me that we publicly put so much money into cancer research when cancer prevention seems just as important. Perhaps this is an emotional attention to the matter as cancer doesn't really affect people until they or a loved one already has it. Then it's time to fight. But before that, prevention isn't as sought after. Can you imagine if we spent millions and billions of dollars on curing the measles when preventing it is clearly the best way to avoid it? What if we could prevent genes from even being inclined to get the diseases of aging, the C word included.
Daf 2 mutations are incredible. I was especially shocked at the study with Ashkenazi Jews. The ones who lived into their 90s and 100s all had daf 2 mutations. This works people! I can't wait to see how this manifests in in-vivo studies.
Just from reading some study abstracts, it appears that Daf 2 may have a metabolic effect similar to slowing down the metabolism which we've also discussed as being a by product of fasting... interesting.

2. Beans are more than just a musical fruit. The are a fat free, high protein, anti-oxidant rich, cleansing fiber loaded, healthy. affordable carbohydrate that you should eat on a regular basis.  Dan Beutener's statistics on them were fascinating. I would bet, that ones the gut has restored health, thanks to the role of beans in it, they are no longer a musical fruit. One thing that Dan didn't mention about beans is that they are packed with  folate. Folate is an essential vitamin for the body, often known for its importance during pregnancy to support a developing fetus. In synthetic vitamin form folate (B9) is folic acid. I could bore you with endless folate facts, but instead I'll leave you with this little nugget: a common and powerful chemotherapy agent called Leucovorin is used to successfully treat many different cancers, including colon cancer. It is technically a chemoprotectant used to increase efficacy of other treatments. What is Leucovorin derived from? You guessed it- folic acid.. Talk about preventative medicine. Kind of makes you want to eat your beans at every meal!

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