Monday, June 29, 2015

Ikarian Experiment: Day 6

 Friday morning was as usual. Lots of homemade bread paired with goat milk and tea. Too boring for pictures!

I packed the usual for work:

mixed almonds and cashews
an apple
2 huge pieces of bread
jar of honey
left overs (lentil and veggie soup)
herbal tea

I enjoyed my leftovers outside for lunch. It's funny, I've noticed that with this fresh food it seems to taste better the next day. 

I walked back home after work exhausted from the week but still wanting to enjoy the freedom of Friday. 
We went on a long walk and ended up grabbing a snack of chips and salsa at a new restaurant in town. We both really wanted to stay out and enjoy the night life but at like 8 o'clock we were beat. We went home and I threw together some food for dinner.  

Bread with honey and goat cheese paired with some wine that nearly knocked me out. 

I also had the last of the soup in a small bowl.
We watched the weirdest movie on Netflix called Novo. It was like Memento but without the "ah ha" revelation at the end. It was just strange.
 Tomorrow I'll be creating recipes out of the remainder of food in my fridge and panty. To be honest I considered just going to the store to buy my normal groceries in the morning. I felt like I barely had anything to eat and all of the food needed to be prepared. 
This, however, is the gist of living a more "Ikarian" life. Yes, it's a pain to make everything from scratch, but this is how it's meant to be done. It makes you appreciate the food that you're eating and think twice about over eating. It's  far easier to stop eating when you're full and have leftovers the next day. This week has exercised my ability to turn food away when I've had enough and I feel like I am better versed in this practice coming out of the experiment.
It also helps to avoid mindless snacking and most importantly, preservatives. On day 5 my coworkers brought in dunkin donuts. Out of curiosity I cut myself a slice the size of a tablespoon from a "blueberry" flavored one. 
Guys, it was seriously gross. It was not a pleasing flavor at all. It certainly wasn't made from anything blueberry... I know it was mostly sugar but the taste of synthetics seriously overpowered anything sweet. It tasted like it had accidentally been sprayed with cleaner.
5 days of cooking from scratch can completely change your pallet. Granted I ate clean 90% of the time prior to Going Greek, I have never had such a strong reaction from stealing a snack of junk food as I did with this donut. 

Day 6 - Transformation :)

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